swans traditional too long post (army tips builds etc) [1] | |
Supremeswan[HC]![]() ![]() ![]() 10-07 20:29 his remains work in progress and will be updated in small patches in between trainruns. so if u got comments u feel should be added or questions i didnt put in here yet then feel free to pm me. in the navy u can be useful right away, with transporting, merchanting or even just providing crew. in the army u need to do some work first before u can really play the game in all its aspects. so the first part of this topic will be a guide on how to reach brigadier, the first green rank as easy as possible. to promote your army character u only got one option at the start, to train. with training we mean selecting a scenario, and fight it out, if u win u and your soldiers will get experience, and usually some money. before we pick a fight we want some soldiers to aid us though. so go to the castle (shortkey v). here u ll see a list of all the soldiers currently available in that city, unit stocks are different for all cities. from left to right we see: stock, nr of that soldier available unitname selfexplanatory 3 numbers, these are the hitpoints strength and ranged strength of the standard unit. wage, soldiers dont risk their life for nothing, so they want to get paid for it. cost, this is the one time cost u have to pay to hire them. behind this is a dropbox, with app std adv vet, these are different unit ranks, but for now stick with apprentice, they re good enough for now and though higher ranked ones are stronger they cost alot more money as well. the easiest units to rank with are halberdiers. ill explain why later, but for now we want to get started. above the soldiers table theres something similar to this: Available soldiers (You have 556,624 gold with -1,164 income) Your income can't be lower than -580 at this rank. though at corporal (first rank) it ll say you have ... gold with 360 income, your income can't be lower then 0 at this rank. an apprentice halberdier costs 90% of 66 or 59 wage this means we can afford to get 6 of them. go ahead and buy 6 app halberdiers. now that we got our soldiers its time for our first battle. go to the city centre (shortkey c) then patrol the market. there will be a text, and below it 2 options. if it is the text about the angry merchant who wants to hit a boy then u defend him. if its something else use the button on the right to avoid the fight. u can find the easiest scenarios in the scenarios topic. up to brigadier u fight with scenarios, by using the list u make sure u got the easiest fight all the time, which will result in the fewest injuries, and thus the most wins and xp. if u got the 6 halbs and used the right scenario u ll have gotten some xp and maybe some money and no injuries. keep fighting this fight till u get your first promotion. after a few fights or sometimes even before the first fight u ll encounter a wandering soldier, who offers u his service, we call this unit a freebee, always accept it. once u went past the 90 xp a green line at the bottom of the fight will notify u of this as well. note that u need to go over and not to the xp. so 90/90 is no promotion, 91/90 is. go to your encampment (shortkey e) and check the box behind the freebee and dismiss it. now go to the castle again. u ll see that u got some spare wage, use this to buy more app halbs. in the scenario list u ll see the angry merchant is still available, so this should be pretty simple to get to the next rank. once again accept the freebee when u get him. after 2nd promotion dismiss the freebee, buy more app halbs and patrol the market again. the merchant got scared of u now, so u ll need to look for a new fight. these fights should still be pretty easy. u ll also be notified that your first halberdiers are ready for promotion. ignore this for now. once u get to staff sergeant (4th rank) u dismiss the freebee, buy more app halbs. AFTER u bought the new units go to the encampment. completely on the top there is a promote all button, read the selections, and then make it promote all your app halbs. ull see that you got some standard units now, which have more str and hp then the app version, but cost a bit more as well. from now on it gets slightly harder, and there is a small chance u ll get soldiers injured during training. an injured soldier wont fight for u till hes healed. u basicly got 3 options: in the hospital (h) u can see how long he will be injured, and a price behind that. every 30 mins, at xx.00 and xx.30 there is a tic, and the small number behind inj will drop one. if u get alot of injuries, if u clicked the wrong scenario for example u can decide to wait for them to heal for free. this is time consuming though. another option is to spend money to get him healed quicker. if u pay the amount at the back he ll be ready to fight for u right away. be careful though as this can make your money run out very quickly. the third option which is the most commonly used one till brig is to dismiss the unit, and to buy a new unit to replace it. from now on theres a standard pattern u can use till u hit 3rd lieutenant. new rank: dismiss freebee + injured units buy more app halbs promote app halbs to standard train the right scenario at sgt major standard halbs will be ready to be promoted to advanced, u dont want this yet so make sure u select promote apprentice only. the grey ranks are sort of a warm up, to get u familiar with the basics, training, buying dismissing units etc. at 3rd lieutenant u get some more options. when u visit the castle u ll notice that there are now some new things there. something like: Castle of Rio de Janeiro --- Back to centre Armies Commander Base Nr Wages Description Lt General I__CHAOS__I Rio de Janeiro 6 14340 Savanna Training Colonel I__APHRODITE__I Rio de Janeiro 1 2240 samba nation will be above the unit table now. usually one of them is called main army, ofcourse while writing this guide they named it savanna training... however the idea is the same. if u re in the same city as the army is there will be a join button, by doing this u re now in that players army. what armies do will be explained later, as we re still in the progress of levelling, but since these armies are the most important thing in knc i found it useful to let u know about them asap. right back to leveling: 3rd lt: dismiss injured units + freebee go to castle and buy more app halbs u ll notice u can now buy to -310 instead of 0. get as many as u can, u might lose a little money from now on every tic, but the extra strength makes up for that easily. once u bought as many halbs as u could, go to your encampment, now promote all halbs to advanced. ull see something like: Average terrain bonus: (Desert: 0.5%, Forest: 3%, Jungle: 12%, Mountains: 0.5%, Plains: -7.5%, Savanna: 12.2%) below your commander stats. at the market we ignored this, but now it becomes important. the bonus gets invisibly added to your units, so when fighting in a positive they ll gain some str and hp, while on a minus they get a negative bonus. u ll want to make sure u re on the biggest +, with halbs in brazil this will be +8 on both savanna and jungle. it doesnt matter which of these 2 u pick. then go to the scenario topic, find the right terrain and then pick the right fight again. promote units to standard/advanced whenever possible but no further. once u hit major u should promote units to veteran and at lt colonel promote them to master or even elite, by now u dont dismiss the freebee anymore either, as u wont have enough wage to buy new units anyway. if all went well u should be brigadier in about 1 hour worth of clicking. ------------------------------------------------------ brigadier is the last scenario rank, thats why this is usually considered the best time to do a rebuild. ill explain this in a minute. the first thing u should do once u hit brig and started in this country is visit the headquarters and vote for who u think would be best suited to lead the country. before i advise u on possible rebuilds, we ll take a quick look at how a battle works first. every battle, whether its a strike force, trainingsbattle or pvp works in the same principle. first round, all units with a ranged attack fire at the opponent. injured units, units which have less then 50% health left are made available to be healed, and if they dont get healed are removed from the battle. if both sides have more then half the army left standing the fight goes on to the next round. second round: cavalry charge during the second round all cavalry units charge in, doing double their strength as damage. there is one catch though, pikeman, halberdiers and lancers dont take damage from this, but deal it to the charging cavalry instead. after this round theres once again a clean up, with injured units being removed. if both sides still have 50% left we go to the melee rounds. in a melee round the army with the biggest number (this is where drummers come in) charges the enemy, and deal their damage. the charged unit then retaliates and deals his damage in return. it is possible for multiple units to hit 1 other unit, and the 1 unit that got charged will retaliate on all of them. this is how heavy infantry beats cannonfodder like footman. the size of armies gets calculated every round till one side drops below 50% and loses. experience in battles is dependant on how long the battle lasts, a battle that ends in the art round only gives 1 - 3 xp, cav round battles usually are between 1 - 5 (not completely sure) melee battles usually vary between 9 - 15, but 30 - 40 is possible in some cases and in very extreme cases 70 - 80 can be seen, but this is incredibly rare. pvp fights and strikes work differently, pvps vary between 50 - 120 usually, and sfs 80 - 140, with mainbattles going up to 400+. by reading this i hope u get why its advised to use pikeman or halbs as train unit, as they re immune to the cavalry damage they avoid alot of the damage in trainingbattles, which makes it alot easier. and because they deal their own damage the xp u get in a battle is decent, so u dont need loads of clicking. (i had to do 6k battles with archers to hit brig this age, while u only need about 900 - 1100 with halbs). -------------------------------------------------------- right back to rebuilding: there are 2 main goals for an army, ranking, which has the goal to get to the red ranks, usually consists of healers, useful in strikes as the healers help make them less painful, ranking fast means u ll get the chance to lead the strike. pvp player vs player armies are build to deal maximum damage to enemy players, a well build army can injure/kill/capture the opponents soldiers or even his commander. these armies usually dont rank very well. ------------------------------------------------------ before rebuilding dismiss all soldiers u have, and then buy your new army, all apprentice. there is some math behind this, but basicly, apprentice buycap at brigadier means u can have elite hardcap at grand marshall. rankingarmies: traditionally ranking armies are made with 16 - 23 healing units (shaman) and then filled with low wage infantry units. unfortunately brazil doesnt have any of these available yet. footies are nerved so they dont work for this purpose anymore. in brazil there are 3 options, archer healer, jaguar healer, eagle healer. archer healer works best if u start with it right from corporal onwards, so we forget about that one for now. jaguar healer is the easiest to use, with the least clicking. u would get 16 shaman 2 drummers, as many jaguars as u can. if u got spare wage then get a 3rd drummer. eagle healer: i have to admit that i never used these myself, but i am presuming they work the same as most rank armies, i reckon around 16 - 18 healers rest eagles, but not 100% sure, if someone is please let me know. promoting healer armies: the usual promotionschedule for healer armies is: everything to standard asap. healers remain standard till u hit lt gen healers to veteran at vice marshall healers to master at field marshall promote fighting units as far as possible at all times, but keep em even. to stay with the jags, u dont promote vet jags to master if u still got advanced ones to be promoted to veteran. at grand marshall u got the choice to promote healers to elite and fighting units elite as well, or keep healers master and fighting units to hero. both options got advantages and disadvantages, but dont worry bout that till u get there. PvP: player vs player is quite complex, as there are alot of factors involved. there are some basic rules of thumb though: expensive infantry beats low wage infantry + healerarmies (with low wage infantry we usually mean infantry with less then 50 standard wage) low wage infantry beats artillery artillery beats expensive infantry cavalry usually beats infantry, but pikes and halbs beat cav. this is very basic, but its a start. looking at brazilian units theres a few options: as artillery units we got archers cannons and eagles. archers dont deal enough damage, so they re not worth it. cannons are a nightmare to train, plus we got bad terrain for them, if u need this guide then i strongly ask u not to take them. eagles: our best artilleryish option, and with +13 on jungle and savanna u can have some good fun with these. low wage infantry only unit we have that qualifies for this are footmen, they re complete cannonfodder, will kill enemy artillery, other then that completely useless, dont bother. heavy infantry: halbs i name halbs here as they re quite expensive, they re great against cavalry, but will lose to all other infantry. rifleman rifleman are one of our core units, decent at everything, not spectacular in something either. great unit for strikes and main army, not too hard to build and holds its own in pvp. get 3 - 4 drummers rest rifles, and off u go. jaguar warriors slightly nerved compared to my memory, but i reckon they re still shredders on jungle. will beat almost all infantry, especially on the higher ranks a very nice army to have. again very easy to build, and no accuracy to worry about. cavalry: cavalrists too low hp not a great deal of damage, best stay away from them. horse archers: mounted artillery, a nice army if u find the weakened targets, with +13 on savanna u can have some fun with this, mind u that the heavy range damage means u ll need to click alot for your experience. hunters: not sure how they do now, they seem buffed a little, but doubt they re great. Last edited: 10-07 22:38 |