Training guide [1] | |
axi[HC]![]() ![]() ![]() 06-19 08:59 | first, we need to draw into ur attention the fact that New Zealand is a special kind of country and only by paying a bit more attention to how we prepare for war we will live or day. this is why i kindly ask you to read carefully the suggestions below and ask for any advice u seek necessary. 1. Ranking to Brigadier Well basicaly there are many ways to rank up fast to brigadier, the 2 easiest ways with the less amounts of clicking are, using halbs (pikeman) or by using infantry with rgd like Grenadier and rifleman. and the 2 ways are similar. First way: Buy app at Corporal then go to training at the market, before you train look at the training guide which you can find in , check what is the right training for your rank. After you go to market you will get a message about a soldier if you want to accept or reject, always accept, it will help you with your training. After you promote to 1st Corporal, kick the soldier you accepted and buy more apps units from one of the above mentioned and go again to train using similar tactics. After you promote from Sergeant to Staff Sergeant and you buy maximum new soldiers possible, promote your soldiers from app to standard then go train and accept the new soldier, from now on keep kicking the injured soldier and buy new till you reach 3rd Lieutenant rank, kick fee soldier and buy maximum till wage -320. After you buy and you have enough money keep kicking injured soldiers and buying new and promote all to standard after every promote (not to forget kicking the free soldier after every promote). You keep doing that till you reach rank Major, then promote all to maximum and stop kicking free soldiers and what can be promoted keep doing that, should take you in one run training to Brigadier. When you are brigadier you can rebuild into something else. Second way: Buy 1st 2 ranks Horse archers, then after that buy only cannons or catapults and after Staff Sergeant rank promote Horse Archers to standard and keep all your other army app. till Birgadier, now if you get alot of money from daily merchanting it will be easy for you just to forceheal the first injured catapult. At brig or colonel kick the Horse Archers and buy advanced Catapult or Std minimum and start joining sfs from Brig till maj general and after that you can enjoy pvps. This way needs alot of clicking so if you want to go this way make sure you can click. 2. Archer Guide 1st step: Rank up fast to brig using pikes(halbs). My advice is you use rifles, keep them advanced until major then promote to hardcap. You may have to click twice as much, but you generate about twice more gold. We recommend rifle or grens (the 1 mill gold instead of 500k its very useful and u lose just 1 tick) For our country u can use a mix of pikes and HA 2nd step. At brigadier dismiss units keeping around 8-10 units. try to dismiss the mst/elite and keep the vets. buy around 48-49 advanced archers ( ADVANCED!) if u dont have room for 48-49 dismiss from the 10 units u kept. after that promote the units previously left to maximum and get the free unit. train up force healing any archer that gets injured. do not promote them at veteran, keep them advanced. 3rd step. At 9500 xp dismiss the other units including free unit and keep only the 48-49 archers advanced. Replace those with apprentice healers and train till maj general healing all injuries. dont promote anything. keep archer ADVANCED and healers apprentice. 4th step. At major general buy more app/std healer, as wage allows. aim for 16 healer and 48-49 archers. Promote healers aiming to get them to advanced, promote archeer for the rest, leaving room for new healers to be promoted to advanced when ready (u need to leave like 50-70 wage for the new promo to be done). 5th step. Then click and click some more. Even if u wont gain cash, it’s possible to reach lt gen in one run, withouth losing much cash. At lt gen see how training goes. With archer/healer i got around 500 xp runs without any fh. if u fh lower number injuries u might get 800-1k runs based on luck. if one fight give u 4-5-6 injuries, dont fh, save the cash and click normal training. (this depends on the amount of cash u have, if u have more and u can afford, fh ur units. The faster u rank the better). 6th step. From general force heal your way up to vice marshal, it should be possible. When promoting through the ranks, keep healers advanced and aim to promote archers more. At staff gen u can promote healer to veteran if archers aren’t ready for elite yet. 7th step. After vm promote healer to mst but not more and rank up. sometimes u loop, sometimes u dont, but mostly u can reach gm inside 3-4 days since age start. Leave room for archers to be promoted to hero. You will loop and gain cash mostly only after they are hero. 3. Pike rank up: use pikes ... follow the above guide for ranking to brigadier for the first part, keep advanced until u have around 48 of them, should be possible around lt col. at lt col, promote to max and train up. DONT REBUILD ... keep the pikes until u reach general. at major general u can do around 1500 xp/run, at lt general around 1000. Rebuild at general with advanced (ADVANCED) high HP units like Samurai, Rifleman or other, depending on what we will have available at that moment. Last edited: 06-19 09:00 |