MTLK Training Guide made by Mege
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This guide contains the following:
1) Basics of Training a9v90a
2) Methods of Training kv9sa8
3) Units Choice shjv57
4) Hero building 5b2nm
-Stuff-to-have list 2b2q5
5) Other m489c
6) Specific training sl4b6
7) List of Used Terms 8vks4
8) End words kv9isk
--Basics of training-- a9v90a
Before you can actually start training and levelling, you first need to know what way you should rank.
Before we go to talk about methods of ranking, we first check out what we should use to rank.
When you start as a Private, you will have different ways to train. The best for now is to go to the Market,
where there isn’t any difference between the different scenarios. Just accept every ‘mission’.
You will notice later (don’t try this already, first read whole guide) that from the blue ranks on
(‘blue ranks’ are the ranks from lieutenant till captain***) you cannot patrol the market anymore.
The next step in ranking is starting, and it’s actually quite simple:
You start ranking at the ground specific training places. The following places can be ranked on:
a) Woods (underground: forest)
b) Lands (underground: plains)
c) Snow (underground: snow)
d) Desert (underground: desert)
e) Mountains (underground: mountains)
f) Beach (underground: none)
There is a maximum of two of these training places in one city. A city will have a training place,
which comes with the surface, and if the city borders water you can have a beach too.
Most of the time you won’t use this, only when you have negative bonus you might try it ;).
Patrolling here is just the same as on the market, only different scenarios, but still all can be done, no difference.
This ranking can be done till you are out of the blue ranks, and even the first green rank (‘green ranks’ are from general till general**).
After this, you will see none of the former training grounds is available to patrol anymore. And no new training grounds have shown up.
The question is: How on earth can I rank from now on? Some people seem to think levelling can only be done now by joining SFs,
participating in main drops and PvPing. And those people are partially right.
Though the most important part of ranking is the so-called ‘border training’.
Like the name tells us, you have to go to the border from now on.
This training requires less then earlier training. No really, it’s easier to do ;).
Only problem is the opponents get stronger. Mainly you will get these opponents:
a) Village: This will only be the village own army, which will not be a problem at all. Villages will be available in any rank
b) Captain: You may find a Captain’s army in your way while going to the village.
You will fight them, but still you won’t find too much trouble defeating them. Captains will appear to you in any rank.
c) General: A General’s army is of course stronger then a Captain’s army.
You will find this army in the way ever from general**, so just after you get used to border training it gets harder already ^^.
d) Marshall: The Marshall’s army is the biggest army you will face in border training.
That’s why you will only face them after you reached Baron. Just like the generals,
the Marshall’s army will give you quite some trouble in the beginning.
This ranking can be done till after Marques, and so this is the last ranking method you will have to know.
Now you know how you can rank, it’s time to go to the next subject:
--Methods of training-- kv9sa8
Generally you can see two different types of ranking, named as:
a) Buy-Dismiss method
b) Rank and wait method ;)
a) The Buy-Dismiss method is based on the simple fact once a unit gets injured,
you just dismiss it. This ranking method is mostly used with spearman.
But more on that later on this guide. This method is based on 4 steps,
which should be done after each battle. They are:
1) Dismiss all injured units.
2) Rebuy all with apprentice units.
3) Promote all
4) Upgrade Hero
Now it depends a bit on your strategy if you use this as a whole or parts.
I suggest for all ranking armies (which I’ll discuss later in this guide) you should use this buy/dismiss method,
and for all pvp armies (especially the ones with ranged accuracy) you use the second method,
which I will tell you about in part b). Anyway, the only way of using the method as stated above is when you use spearmen to rank up to general fast,
and rebuilding after (NEVER use spearmen to go to marquess, once it gets to stage 3 (halbediers) they are too weak..).
If you use other units (like I suggest you do if you do not have an urgent need of reaching general (for setting up HC for example),
you do the same except the ‘promote all’ button. You want to give your units as much XP as they can naturally, in other words,
you want to have enough units as fast as possible, and start normal ranking as soon as possible. This means you keep your units app.
For example with footmen you’ll have enough units in no time, but for most ranking units you will have to go on a bit longer.
Normall @ cap*/cap** you’ll have enough units to go on (more about what’s ‘enough’ later in this guide). This is about it about the method itself.
b) The Rank and wait method is real simple. It’s the same as you would rank after the buy-dismiss method.
You simply rank till you are out of units (this means till you have less then, let’s say, 10 units.
Not really a number to call here, depending on your rank and your amount of leadership on your hero.
For example in private rank you only have 8 horses, this doesn’t mean you already have to stop training :p.
But be reasonable: never push training too far, it will only cause you deaths resulting in shorter runs later.
--Units Choice-- shjv57
So, now you know how to rank, and the methods to rank. Now I will let you know what units are good for what purpose:
Available in every country:
- Balista – Catapult – Trebuchet (max. units on marq: 35, suggested number: at least 30) :
This is a pure PvP unit, you should not use this unless you are really sure about what you’re doing.
If build properly this is a killing machine, but the slightest mistake makes you an easy target.
- Footman – Swordman – Champion (max. units on marq: 43, suggested number: at least 50):
One of the best ranking units, definitely for starting rankers, but also a lot of good rankers uses it.
Especially in the period those units become champions (between general** and marshall) these units are really good for ranking..
- Footman – Swordman – Longswordman (max. units on marq: 61, suggested number: at least 70):
Good PvP army, though I think you should mix them with other PvP units, for example a longswordman-berseker mix.
- Horseman – Lancer – Royal Lancer (max. units on marq: 32, suggested number: at least 35):
Real good PvP units, top PvPers use it (together with militia armies).
Lancers are best agains other cavalry (knights, camels), but also beat normal ranking armies.
- Horseman – Knight – Royal Knight (max. units on marq: 32, suggested number: at least 35):
Maybe the best PvP army if proper build. While knights do better against infantry armies then Lancers,
they really get an advantage when they reach Royal Knight, because they also get ranged here.
This is why a good Royal Knight army can really slaughter other high ranks with the ‘normal’ ranking units
- Peasant – Militia – Mercenary (max. units on marq: 129, suggested number: at least 140):
A unit that is only used as PvP unit (some exceptions are made though,
but all normal people only PvP with them :p). Used to PvP since they will beat all but strong ranking armies
(Vikings/champs/temps) but beat all PvP armies. They are also cheap to heal.
Disadvantage is they die easily in main drops/SFs and they suck for the country.
- Slinger – Archer – Longbowman (max. units on marq: 53, suggested number: at least 60):
A PvP army too. Not used as often as peasants and horseman, but still able.
Also need to be build in the right way, might be best to mix them with balistas.
- Spearman – Pikeman – Halberdier (max. units on marq: 43, sugge
but never should be used longer than that. In the higher ranks they absolutely suck,
only beating some cavalry armies in PvP, but not ranking well nor good in PvPing other units.
- Available in specific countries only
- Bedouin – Azab – Janissary (max. units on marq: 52, suggested number: at least 60):
This sands-only unit is probably one of the best ranking units in the Europe version.
I suggest as a starting ranker you use footmen. This unit is best for captrainers since they usually won’t come off desert and thus rank with +8 most of the time.
So unless you expect to spend a lot of time on desert/forest I suggest you don’t use them.
- Bedouin – Camel – War Camel (max. units on marq: 54, suggested number: at least 60):
The PvP-promotion of the Bedouin. Especially on the sands they are really to be feared,
but out of the desert they can still win, though not do as much damage. Still a good choice
- Templar – Templar Knight- Templar Master (max. units on marq: 39, suggested number: at least 42):
Maybe THE ranking unit. Because of it’s great bonus on plains (+8) this is the ranking unit of a lot of top rankers
(for example Crazydude always use these units, and won ranking a lot of times now)
- Scout – Horse Archer- Heavy Horse Archer (max. units on marq: 41, suggested number: at least 44):
A PvP unit again. Has the same ability as Royal Knight, but less strength and more Racc.
A bit nerved a while ago so not so strong anymore as in the old days, still a nice unit.
- Scout – Tartar – Tartar warrior (max. units on marq: 54, suggested number: at least 60):
Strong in larger numbers, less HP and strength then other cavalry, but also less wage, so more to use ;).
- Viking- Viking warrior – Viking Champion (max. units on marq: 38, suggested number: at least 41):
The ranking unit on snow. Like Janissary on desert and Templars on plains, this is the third real ranking unit.
A bit the same as the Jannies: only use them when you plan to stick to snow most of the time.
- Viking- Viking warrior – Berseker (max. units on marq: 37, suggested number: at least 41):
Best infantry PvP-unit possibly. Like I said before, mixed with longswordman this could be a real good army
(mix to get larger numbers generally)
- Crossbowman – Arblaster – Arquebusier (max. units on marq: 39, suggested number: at least 42):
Good PvP unit again. Artillery, so needs to be build properly. Has some strength too, so can do some serious damage.
Doesn’t kill much, but at high ranks can flawless almost everything when build properly.
- Crossbowman – Double Crossbowman – Repeating Crossbowman (max. units on marq: 39, suggested number: at least 42):
A little less strength, but more Racc then arquebusier. This one is the true killer!
--Hero building--5b2nm
Now you know all about the units, how to rank, and different methods of ranking, the next step should be your hero.
How to build your heroes? Like the other stuff, there isn’t THE way to build your heroes. There are different methods,
though I will describe the three most common ways. These are the following:
a) Normal Heroes
b) Pure Ranking Heroes
c) Pure PvP Heroes
a) The normal way of building your heroes is the following. You have 2 types of heroes: duelling hero and support hero.
Your first hero should become the duel hero, the second and third hero are there for the support.
First of all you should know that a duelling hero will have to take all duals. Next you should know that in a dual,
strength is more important then armor. So first choose the best weapon, then fill up the rest of the space with armor.
Now I will give you a way of building your first hero, the way I do it. This part isn’t the only way to do it,
everyone wants specific skills earlier or later, so you should just try some things for your self.
First of all, I start giving him trainer. This because I need to get to hardcap sooner or later,
and this is the best way to grab the most trainer XP. After you have trainer at lvl 10, I got him some duelist skill.
Not too much though, rest can be given later. Now you want to give him actual duelling skills. Starting with melee attack,
most important duelling skill. After you got this to lvl 10, get melee defence. Now start boosting your melee defence to lvl 20.
Now your hero should win all duels, making you get no hero injuries because of duels.
Now you also want to give the following skills after this: leadership (how smaller your army, the more you need),
merchant (for extra cash, get this to lvl 20/25 minimum), pike attack and ranged defence are also nice in a later stage
(especially pike attack is needed as soon as you decide to get a horse for your hero) and, maybe most important of those, healing.
All points you can miss, should be given to this skill, especially if you want to rank.
Now you know how to build your duelling hero. Second and third hero are build the same.
Most important skills: healing, merchant, trainer and leadership. No duelling skills should be added here,
since your first hero will handle all duels ;). So you want to know in which order you should give it? I think first healing,
then trainer, followed by merchant and last but definitely not least the leadership.
So, now you know all about the skills. Next stop: items. What armor and what weapons to buy.
Mostly (when enough money of course) I use the following for my heroes:
What to have at which level? 2b2q5
Level - Item
1 - Leather Vest
2 - Bronze Helm
3 - Nothing
4 - Kite Shield
5 - Bronze Sword
6 - Nothing
7 - Iron Helm
8 - Chainmail
9 - Iron Sword
10 - Buckler, Bandages, Herbs
11 - Banner
12 - Plate Armour
13 - Nothing
14 - Broad Sword
15 - Rosary
Of course there is possible a variation in this scheme. Out of training you should not stick to this,
but sell all healing items on your duel hero, and replace them by armor. After lvl 21 you will have max armor and you can let the banner on your hero,
and at lvl 23 you can also leave some healing stuff on them ;).
b) Pure Ranking Heroes
For pure ranking you need to know one thing: Your heroes will not be able to defend themselves good against PvP heroes,
and you will probably suck in PvP. But like I said: Pure ranking. Most important thing to remember:
Healing is everything. So instead of making a duel hero, you will have three ‘support heroes’.
Healing, Merchant, Leadership and Trainer are the only 4 skills important for you.
The rest can be forgotten. This will result in the longest training runs.
No real difference with buying stuff for your hero, just stick to the scheme above.
If you do really well you can always add nice duel stuff to the hero.. But first try maxing out most important stuff.
c) Pure PvP Heroes
Pure PvP heroes are quite different from ranking heroes. Most important stuff you should teach him is duel stuff.
The melee atk and def at first, followed by pike atk if you use a horse (I suggest you do) (pike atk, not def!! remember),
and then followed by some ranged def. maybe. Even more important is to give one hero (I suggest the first one again) dueler skill.
This means that hero will have a bigger chance of dueling with an enemy hero. This will also result in more points for this hero.
Good PvPers have a duel hero that is way higher in rank and XP then other hero(es).
You might ever want to consider hero training. Hero training is nothing else then start as a private,
get a hero, sell his dagger and start ranking. This way you will lose the fight (well I hope you do,
winning isn’t a thing you want now), so you don’t get XP, but your hero does!
This way you can get your hero already like 600XP in front of normal heroes.
Just make sure to rank up in time so once war is there you have your army ready ;).
--Other-- m489c
a) Force Heal issues
Of course you will force heal normally when all units only have 1 tick to go, this will make you train a little faster.
O wait, did I forget to mention force healing yet? Force Healing, a term used for healing your units before time does (costing gold).
This part isn’t about that, this is about force healing once you are at marques rank. You can chose two types:
direct or 3/2 tick force healing. Direct means you just force heal whenever a unit gets injured.
This is not beneficial in the lower ranks, but once you have a lot of healing (at marques) you will see this will bring you lots of extra XP.
The other method is based on the fact you don’t wait anymore till your units are (almost) healed,
but already FH after three ticks (or if you still have trouble using all your money even after two ticks).
This will also make you do a lot more training runs in a day.
I personally think the first method is best, say you get 10M gold cash, if you burn it directly (use it once a unit gets injured)
you get 1 long run. Even if this just brings as much XP as the other method,
you don’t have the chance of getting captured at the end of the run with lots of gold on your commander.
And it would be a waste to throw away 5M gold ;).
--Specific training-- sl4b6
Now you have learned all basics about training, I will just tell you one more thing.
The way I always build my army. This will just be a quick guide, not every single step again since you should be able to know a lot by now.
I will let you see two different methods, champion training and templar training.
a) Champion Training
Champion training should be build up from private. Use buy-dismiss method till about captain,
you should have 60 now or so, and this is already way too much actually. From now on keep your units,
promote them as much as possible and of course give them trainer XP.
I gave that to my hero (using the normal hero build) very early. Make sure you do every battle you can,
don’t mind having a loss once in a while, those last winning battles can give you between 50-120 XP. Very useful ;).
Ranking up you should notice that, if build correctly and with enough activity, you can really rank great in green/red ranks.
My personal record: Rank from gen* (12k XP) to princess in less then 24 hours (done twice). This period they transform to champion,
and that’s really the best period ;). After that, work yourself through the royal ranks.
Make sure all merchant items your hero gives you should be sold and used to FH.
All equal or higher then dyes should be saved though (the higher the better) for end of age,
to use when you have highest healing. Use whatever force heal method you want, I tend to use the direct force heal.
Well, nothing more to tell you about this method I guess :)
b) Templar Training
Templar training needs to start with buy-dismiss method and pikes.
At captain*/captain** rebuild to templars and directly stick to them (so no more buy-dismiss).
Use all your trainer XP on the templars to get back on hardcap (you should get yourself about 42/43 templars and one footman).
Rest of the ranking is quite the same as champions, only make sure you are on right terrain
(same as champions, though even more important since it’s not just a +3 bonus, but possibly a +8 or +6 bonus).
Templars are a little harder then champions in green/red ranks, but make that up in royal ranks,
where they have quite a big advantage (because of their bonus).
--List of Used Terms--8vks4
MTLK: Medieval (The) Last Knights
Grey Ranks: Ranks from Private till sergeant **
Blue Ranks: Ranks from lieutenant till captain ***
Green Ranks: Ranks from General till General **
Red Ranks: Ranks Vice Marshall and Marshall
Royal Ranks: Ranks from Baron/Baroness till Marques/Marchioness
Ranking: Getting XP out of battles, with the goal to reach a higher rank
Trainer XP: XP that can be given away to units and that is received when your hero has the trainer skill.
PvP: Person versus Person. In other words, attacking an other real player and his army
Racc: Ranged Accuracy, how good your units are at aiming. Devers from 45%-90%
Force Heal: Healing your units before time heals them, using gold.
--End words--kv9isk
Now you should know about all important stuff about ranking. Now the most fun part comes:
Ranking is only a small (though esseciential) part in this game.
More things you could focus on are: War, PvP, Leading the Country (being LD/HC/WC), etc.
More info and guides are on
E.g. a HC-guide, but also how you should plan wheels (taking more then 2/3 lands in a tick
(you can do over 20 SFs in a tick if you know how to ;) )), etc.